Counseling and Coaching Services for Divorce
Divorce is an overwhelming, frustrating, and financially draining process. Navigating through a divorce and restructuring a family unit is a challenging and critical time for a family. The professionals you hire to work in your case can make a significant difference in the outcome of your divorce story. Lucy provides a variety of services that support families walk through the process regardless of the level of conflict.
Lucy has personal experience and educational expertise of understanding the emotional and financial challenges of divorce or post-divorce issues. Research indicates that children are resilient through divorce and that the parent’s ability to work together is what impacts children’s adjustment and impacts children into adulthood.
Lucy will walk with clients through the challenges of the family legal system helping give clients a sense of control in the process, working with other family law professionals in finding the balance of what is in the child’s best interest, developmentally appropriate, and cost-effective solutions.
Blue Sky Family Counseling specializes in issues such as various cost effective and solution focused evaluations, Co Parenting including parallel co-parenting and Resist-Refusal dynamics. Lucy specializes in complex cases involving medical issues and Education.
We understand and work with Family Courts in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia.
All services are available through a virtual platform.
Divorce Services Available:
- Civil and Domestic Mediation in Georgia
- Family Specialist Coaching
- Resist/Refusal Dynamics-Reunification Coaching
- Parent Coordination-Georgia and North Carolina
- Co-Parent or Parallel Parent Coaching Coaching.
- Individual Divorce Coaching
- Personalized Parenting Plans
- Professional Consultations
- Focus Assessments
- Supported Supervised Visitation and Therapeutic Supervised Visitation
Divorce Coaching
As a Divorce Coach, Lucy meets with parents to work on parenting plans and works with their attorneys and/or mediator. You do not have to be a part of the Collaborative Divorce Process or have an attorney. There are some parents that prefer this approach. Some parents work with just a mediator.
In the Divorce Coaching Role, Lucy only helps with parenting plans co- parenting skills and send the agreements to either the attorneys or mediator once we have it finalized. You and your co-parent create a plan that works best for your family and is not driven by the legal system – you as parents decide how you want your children’s parenting schedule to look like and how you will raise you children. Lucy will assist parents with helping them understand options and child development in regard to creating the plan so we can find solutions that both parents can walk away feeling good about. This cuts down on legal fees and gives parents control of their children’s future. Per parent request, she will also assist on how to move forward with co parenting so that they can avoid conflict in the future and develop the skills to use for when they run into disagreements in the future. Our goal is to keep families out of court, save resources, and provide early intervention.
Parent Coordination
As a parent coordinator, Lucy works with parents on Parallel Co Parenting and serves as an extension of the court. If parents are not able to agree, we would ultimately make the final decision based on your parenting plan in place. This service requires a Parent Coordination Agreement or Order from the court. Each Parent Coordination agreement is different and based on the family’s needs. As a Parent Coordinator our goal is to keep you out of court, reduce your legal fees, and help you move forward in the best interest of your children. While, if necessary, we will make a final decision for parents, however our goal is to help parents, despite the conflict learn how to make decisions together for their child versus having a someone who barely knows their child make it for them. Most parents do not want this and as a Parent Coordinator, we work with parents to help get them moving forward and use on an as needed basis.
Pre-Mediation Coaching
Pre-Mediation Coaching helps parents get ready for mediation so that they can increase their chances of having a successful mediation. Coaching services focus on developing the parenting plan and custody during the mediation process.
Lucy is able to help families in the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia cut down the legal costs and create a child centered parenting plan while also working with parents on co-parenting skills. In the state of Georgia, Lucy is a certified Mediator, and can help walk parents through the financial aspects of mediation and help parents see different outcomes using the Georgia Support Calculator, and different configurations before they go into mediation.
Pre-Mediation Coaching helps parents feel confident when they go into mediation and increases their chances of a successful mediation. If parents do not have legal counsel, Lucy will work directly with the Mediator and give the mediator the agreed upon parenting plan and work collaboratively with your mediator. Parents can refer themselves or your attorneys can refer their clients.
Lucy Dunning also works collaboratively with attorneys in helping prep their clients for mediation in complex cases so that parents have an opportunity to work through some of the roadblocks that might be keeping parents at an impasse. Together, clients develop a parenting plan that is best for their children with a neutral that can give guidance on the children’s age/development and if needed collaboration with your children’s therapist.
Co Parent Coaching
This service is for parents who have never been married, going through a divorce, and post-divorce. The process of raising a child is OVERWHELMING. It especially difficult if you and parenting with someone that you no longer have a relationship with. It can be EMOTIONALLY, FINANCIALLY, and PHYSICALLY draining. While going through a break up, separation and divorce, not only must you come to terms with the fact that your relationship and or marriage is ending, you must also figure out how to work with your partner/ex-spouse in a new role as being a “business partner” in raising your children. You have to find a way to separate the emotion from the lost relationship to continue to raise your kids so they can be healthy physically and mentally.
Co-Parenting looks different for each family. Some parents will only be able to parallel co parent-meaning little interaction and child focused. Some parents will be able to establish more of a business partnership. When children are involved choosing to have no interaction with your ex spouse increases your child’s chance of developing psychological disorders, relationship issues in the future, and being at risk for not having healthy relationships with both parents. Many Parents struggle to effectively work together when it comes to their children after they are no longer together.
Having some type of co-parent relationship is one of the most important things you can do for your children. Most importantly, your children will have lifelong benefits when they have two parents who can effectively work together as a united front-despite lacking trust and harboring negative feelings towards each other.
Co Parent Coaching consist of skill building, psychoeducational skills, streamlining communication, developing agreements, boundaries between parents to decrease conflict, reduce going to court and improve co-parenting outcomes.

Family Specialist Coaching
Family Specialist Coaching provides cost-effective services that allow us to work with the family unit in different capacities. In this role we assess and provide treatment recommendations, solution-focused interventions, document review, and forensic review or collateral contact.
We work with parents, guardian ad litem’s, and legal counsel on making recommendations as ordered by the court or consent agreement. This service is the most beneficial for any family or attorney who has a complex case and needs solution focused recommendations. We do not make custody recommendations however we will work with both parties in creating a solution focused parenting plan.
Other Divorce Services
Child Services
Many children experiencing divorce do not feel comfortable sharing their feelings with either parent as they feel the need to “pick a side.” Children suffer internally when they feel unable to process their experience and feelings. Counseling provides a neutral, safe, and supportive environment where your children can process their thoughts and feelings and identify and implement positive coping skills to feel secure and move forward.
Reunification/Family Therapy
Reunification assists families experiencing a break in the parent/child relationship. Examples of such breaks include visitation refusal or when a child has not seen a parent for more than 3 months and visitation resistance/refusal. Reunification services require both parents or guardians and the child/ren to be involved in the process. Through reunification the goal is to build a healthy connection between a parent and child. We only accept reunification cases that are either court ordered or their a legal agreement in place. We offer different types of reunification in regards to structure. As a collaborative team, we meet to determine how to best help your family and how we can best help your family meet their goals and reach success.
Collaborative Divorce Coaching and Child Specialist
Collaborative Divorce is a process with the goal of empowering divorcing parties to cooperatively work together and be in CONTROL of THEIR divorce settlement. Collaborative divorce is an effective solution for divorcing parties who do not want the judicial system determining their personal financial arrangements and the fate of their children.
A Collaborative Divorce Coach is a licensed mental health professional who has experience in issues related to separation, divorce, and remarriage. The coach has training and expertise in family and divorce dynamics, communication skills, parenting plans, best co-parenting practices, and the collaborative law process. This background enables the coach to help one or both members of a divorcing couple deal with the emotional and psychological challenges of their divorce. While therapeutic skills are utilized, a divorce coach is not in a therapeutic role.
In addition to being a Collaborative Divorce Coach, Lucy is also a Child Specialist. Lucy has the training and expertise of what children need developmentally, emotions of divorce, and most importantly after the divorce. As a Divorce Coach, Lucy uses this skill set when assisting parents create parenting plans that are child focused and future driven.
Limited Focus Assessments
Limited Focus assessment (LFAs) typically involves 6-12 hours of professional services. The Limited Family Assessment is designed to elicit useful about specific issues that are in play in a particular custody case. For example, a parent who has not had an active role in a child’s life recently. In this circumstance, an LFA could provide the judge understand the dynamics of a given child’s situation. Fewer and more narrowly defined issues are investigated to LFAs. The evaluator limits the amount of time available to family members to present their concerns and what documents are accepted for review. Psychological testing will not be administered. Then number of collateral witnesses is restricted. The LFA report is issue specific. This assessment is not as in-depth as the Comprehensive Custody Evaluation and does not give custody recommendations.
Forensic Family Evaluations / Child Custody Evaluations
A Custody evaluation is a comprehensive evaluation that gathers information as requested by the court. Custody evaluations must be ordered by the court with specific questions the court wants answered. Custody evaluations are conducted to assist the court in determining the best parenting plan for children in the midst of contested litigation within family law cases. Evaluations are not therapeutic, and they are not covered by insurance companies. Evaluations are forensic in nature and evaluations that Lucy Dunning, LCMHCS provides does not include psychological testing. Lucy Dunning, LCMHCS, provides evaluations that are based on data collected from questionnaires and in-depth interviews, document reviews, and interviews from multiple collateral sources. The evaluation is a comprehensive view of the family and looks at all areas of concern as requested from the court. If you are looking for Evaluation services please have your attorney reach out to Lucy Dunning via email at lucy@blueskyfamilycounseling.com.
If you are looking for an evaluation that needs psychological testing, we offer evaluation that are collaborative with a licensed psychological evaluator. We work collaboratively to provide evaluations. This provides an expedited approach with two professionals working on your case and two professionals looking assessing the case. If you are interested in this collaborative evaluation approach, please have your attorney contact Lucy Dunning for a case consultation at lucy@blueskyfamilycounseling.com.