When I provide support or therapy groups on chronic pain one of the most common questions I hear is, “How do you best treat clients experiencing chronic pain?” Pain warriors living with chronic conditions want to know if there is a best modality for treatment. Treatment modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy have been shown to help many individuals experiencing chronic pain. I use these and other modalities in treatment including art therapy and traditional talk therapy. However, I would propose that more important than choosing a modality is first figuring out which stage of the grief cycle the chronic pain client is in.
Chronic pain/illness engenders its own kind of grief cycle. Those living with chronic pain experience feelings of denial, shock, anger and depression along with many other emotions. If you are living with chronic pain you may at first find yourself denying that the problem exists. You may later become angry that you cannot perform the roles in life you used to. And you may after many (or a few) days find yourself slipping into depression. All of these are normal responses to pain just as they are to grief.
So, if you are living with chronic pain, ask yourself where you are right now emotionally. Do you have a new diagnosis and still feel shocked? Are you in the throws of treatments and doctor appointments and feels angry and anxious? Or are you experiencing deep grief over the things you used to but can no longer do? Whatever you are feeling, we can help. Blue Sky is experienced and trained to help you navigate chronic pain and live your best life possible on every level in the here and how.
– Jenevieve Wardell, LCMHC
Certified Grief Counseling Specialist and Pain Warrior