Chronic Pain & Chronic Illness Counseling
Have you ever been told it’s all in your head? Your just anxious? Your just depressed? Work on your trauma and you will be cured? Change your diet and it will all go away? You look fine so you must not feel that bad.
Have you ever felt judged that you have to take medication to have a quality of life? Have you ever felt like your mental health has been the focus versus your physical symptoms?
This is something that many people with chronic conditions experience and often feel unheard and misunderstood. While mental health is extremely important, in most cases you are experiencing things such as anxiety and depression because of the physical symptoms.
At Blue Sky Family Counseling we strongly believe that the majority of mental health issues individuals face with chronic conditions is a by product of what they are experiencing physically versus mental health being the cause of an individual’s health issues. There are a few exceptions of course but the majority of cases do not fit this.
- Chronic Stress and Chronic Pain
- PTSD and Trauma Chronic Pain
- Mind-Body Connection Chronic Pain
- Chronic Pain and Depression
- Grief and Loss with Chronic Illness and Pain
- Flare Ups and Chronic Conditions Management
- Rare Medical Conditions Coaching
- Family Support for Chronic Illness and Pain
- Pediatrics Chronic Illness and Pain Support
- Chronic Pain Education
Chronic Pain Blog
Everyone’s medical or pain journey is a unique and personal. However, many individuals living with chronic medical and pain conditions share similar challenges such as a decrease in the quality of life, frustrations with navigating the medical system, feelings of anxiety, depression and feeling stigmatized. In addition to the clinical training, we have our own personal experience and we are active advocates in the community for chronic medical conditions and rare medical conditions. We work with all ages in including pediatrics.
Chronic conditions can be COMPLEX, FRUSTRATING and are DEBILITATING. Whether it is navigating your own journey, your child’s, or any loved one’s, it can leave an individual feeling isolated and HOPELESS.
We create customizable treatment plans for all of our clients and focus on aspects of client care. such as advocating for yourself, find resources, and connecting you to support groups. We are here to help you as you walk through your journey and build the quality of life that you deserve.
Through your journey you may have experienced judgement, criticism, and loneliness. While you cannot change your circumstances, you can improve your quality of life. Experiencing our own chronic health conditions has given us the personal understanding of the struggle clients go through when facing health issues. Having a personal relationship with a chronic medical condition gives us a deep understanding of how to help clients and famlies in moving forward and improving their quality of life. Healing feelings of HOPELESSNESS, TRAUMA, ANXIETY, and DEPRESSION. We help clients develop a sense of self-acceptance and self-worth, with a positive outlook on the circumstances that you are being faced with.
When working with Chronic Medical/Pain clients we use a variety of modalities including:
- Expresssive Arts Therapy
- Acceptance Therapy
- Trauma Therapy
- Somatic Processing
- Health Coaching
- Graded Motor Imagery
- Mindfulness
- Yoga Nidra
- Advocacy
- Animal Assisted Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Pain Neuroscience Education
- Pain Centralization
- Collaboration with medical professionals
- Caregiver Support
- Virtual Reality with Applied VR (a program specifically for chronic pain and not yet released to the public)
- Free Support Groups with the US Pain Foundation
- Chronic Pain Therapy Groups
- Empowered Relief Program
Family members are an important part of the healing process and support system. Family members often experience the same level of trauma that a client with a medical illness. This Trauma bonding can impact the entire family system. We work with family members by processing their loved one’s medical situation, providing tools and resources, and helping them with caregiver burn out and fatigue. Family members often neglect their own self-care as they help their loved one with Chronic illness or Pain. Each family member plays an important role and it is important that they receive the support they need.